We are excited to have Fr. Darrin May leading the adult sessions this year. Our children K-8 will again be led by the IHM sisters and childcare is available for those 6 months to pre-school! High schoolers will also have their own track which includes part of the adult sessions and other activtites. For lunch, we will offer optional boxed lunches for pre-purchase or you can bring your own. The retreat will run 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, March 15!
Our theme is Transforming the Heart. The most essential aspect of the Christian life is relationship with God and prayer establishes this relationship. But many are unsure of how to pray and how to a have a deeper relationship with God. This retreat, led by the Spiritual Life Center's director Fr. Darrin May, will help participants better understand how to have a deeper relationship with God and how to pray from the heart.
Early Bird Registration Fees through February 23:
Single: $40
Couple: $75
Family: $120
If payment is an issue, please let us know as payment plans and scholarships are available!
Previous Lenten Family Retreat Photos Courtesy of Kris Sauer